In order to license the Express RIP you purchased, you have to activate the LDK license. To activate the LDK license, the Express RIP LDK Tool needs to communicate with the license server on the internet. If the computer with the RIP installed is connected to the internet, you can activate on the RIP computer. Follow the instructions in the section Activation on a machine with internet access.

If the computer with the RIP installed is not connected to the internet, you need to start the activation on the RIP computer, then move a fingerprint file to a computer with internet access, then complete the activation on the RIP computer. Follow the instructions in the section Activation on a machine without internet access.

Note- After activating the license, you MUST backup the installed license at this location onto a different computer -

<Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel LDK\installed

The file you need to backup has the file extension .V2C. Please backup this file to another computer.

If the computer fails at a later date, you will need the files in this folder and follow the procedure Activation on a machine without internet access to re-activate the RIP.

Note the license is tied to the hardware including the motherboard, CPU and hard disk. If you have changed any of the hardware, the license may fail and you would need to contact Compose or your dealer to obtain a new product key.

Activation on a machine with internet access

  1. Make sure you have received your Product Key from Compose System or from one of our authorised dealers.
  2. Make sure you have an internet connection on the computer on which the RIP will be running (otherwise see the section Activation on a machine without internet access below).
  3. Install the Express RIP and LDK using the provided installer.
  4. The provided installer will run the LDK Tool automatically. If you have skipped this step during installation, and the RIP is already installed, you can start the LDK Tool here -

<RIP Installation Path>\ldk\utils\ldktool.exe

  1. Click New License. A window will be prompted with 2 buttons – License this computer and License a different computer.

  1. Click License this computer.

  1. Click Have internet access.

  1. Copy and paste or carefully enter the Product Key into the Product Key field and click Activate. A window is prompted requesting confirmation for the activation.

  1. Click Yes to continue. This creates the Protection Key ID assigning your products to the machine.
  2. When completed an “Activation successful” message appears. If you choose not to activate the license during installation you can do so later. Go to \ldk\utils within the RIP installation directory and double click ldktool.exe, then follow steps 5 onwards above.
  3. You can validate the installation and review the contents of the license using the LDK Tool itself.

Activation on a machine without internet access

Follow this procedure if the computer running the RIP does not have internet access. You should also use this procedure if you have previously activated the RIP on this computer but the computer has failed.

The steps outlined in this section are to be carried out on 2 computers –

  • a computer running the RIP
  • a computer with internet access. This might, for instance, be the installation engineer’s laptop connected to Wi-Fi.


You will need a Product Key for your RIP license, provided by Compose or one of Compose’s authorised dealers.


The following steps are to be carried out on the computer running the Express RIP.

  1. Install the Harlequin RIP and LDK using the installer provided on the computer where it will run. For detailed instructions on how to do this see the installation manual for your product.
  1. The installer will run the LDK Tool automatically. If you have skipped this step during installation, and the RIP is already installed, you can start the LDK Tool here -

<RIP Installation Path>\ldk\utils\ldktool.exe

  1. Click New License.

  1. Click License this computer.

  1. Click No internet access. You will be prompted to create a fingerprint file (c2v) for this computer.

  1. Click Create. A window will be prompted allowing you to save a file named –

<machine name>.fingerprint.c2v

  1. Click Save to save the file. A window will be prompted confirming the location where the fingerprint C2V file is saved.

  1. Click OK to continue. A window will be prompted reminding you to copy the C2V file to a computer with internet access.

Copy the fingerprint C2V file and LDKTool.exe to a computer with internet access. Click OK to continue.

Note if you are re-activating a RIP on this computer, you must complete the steps above but you will not use this C2V file.

  1. A window with the instructions to locate a license V2C file will be prompted.

Leave this dialog open and move the C2V file named <machine name>.fingerprint.c2v, using a network or USB flash drive etc, to the computer with internet access.

The following steps are to be performed on the computer with internet access.


You should have the C2V file and LDKTool.exe on the computer with internet access.

If you are activating a RIP for the first time, you need to complete step 10 to 14.

If you are re-activating a RIP on this computer and you have kept a backup of the V2C file, you can skip step 10 to 14.

  1. On the computer with internet access, start the LDK Tool.

  1. Click New License. A window will be prompted with 2 buttons – License this computer and License a different computer.

  1. Click License a different computer. You will be prompted to enter the product key.

  1. Type or paste your key into the Product Key field and click Activate. A window will be prompted and you can select the fingerprint C2V file that you’ve just copied from the RIP computer.

  • Select the fingerprint C2V file and click Select.

Another window will be prompted for you to save a V2C file named –

<machine name>.license.v2c

  1. Select a path to save the file and click Save.
  2. Copy the <machine name>.license.v2c file to the machine where the RIP is installed, that is, the computer with the dialog still displaying the Locate button.

The following steps are to be completed on the computer where the Express RIP is installed.

The computer should be displaying this window.

  1. Click the Locate button. A window will be prompted allowing you to select the V2C file named <machine name>.license.v2c file. If you are re-activating a RIP on this computer, please select the V2C file you backed up after the first activation.

  1. Click Select to activate the RIP. When completed an “Activation successful” message appears.

If you choose not to activate the license during installation you can do so later. Go to \ldk\utils within the RIP installation directory and double-click ldktool.exe, then follow steps 5 onwards above. You can validate the installation and review the contents of the license using the LDK Tool itself.