To connect Pressero Web-to-Print with Compose QuickFit, you would need 2 software -
- Pressero Automated Workflow Integrator v2 (AWI2) - this is for downloading jobs from control files from Pressero Web-to-Print
- Compose Job Connect - this is for reading the Pressero control and PDF files downloaded by Automated Workflow Integrator v2, determining the destination for jobs based on product type, then converting the control files to QuickFit job tickets and submitting the jobs to QuickFit.
This document will show you how to configure Automated Workflow Integrator v2 to work with QuickFit.
- You will need to download the software Automated Workflow Integrator v2 from Aleyant Web Page. Note you will need version 2 as that is the only supported version now.
- You will also need to have a user account for Automated Workflow Integrator v2 to download jobs from Pressero Web-to-Print.
You will need to contact Aleyant if you do not have the above items.
Configuring Automated Workflow Integrator v2
Starting AWI2
Open the Automated Workflow Integrator v2 application by double clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or by going to -
Start -> All Programs -> Aleyant
and select the option -
Pressero Automated Workflow Integrator
The application window will be prompted.
Connect AWI to Pressero
Before you can download files from your Pressero Web-to-Print site, you will need to configure the connection settings.
You will need to know -
- a Pressero account user name for AWI2
- a Pressero account password for AWI2
You can generate these accounts in your Pressero Web-to-Print Admin Page. You will also need a license from Aleyant to create user accounts for AWI2.
To enter the connection settings, click the Settings button at the bottom of the AWI2 Main window.
Enter the Pressero account user for AWI2 in the Username field.
Enter the Pressero account password for AWI2 in the Password field.
Create Download Rules
To download files from Pressero Web-to-Print, you will need to have at least one download rule. A download rule instructs AWI2 to download PDF files to a certain folder on the local disk, and control files in a certain format to a certain folder on the local disk.
To create download rules, click the Add Rule button at the top left corner. If you already have a download rule and you want to edit it, click the download rule to select it and click Edit Rule button to edit the selected rule. The Rule Definition window will be prompted.
General Page
The Rule Definition window contains 7 tab pages. The first tab page General is opened.
Enter a name to identify the rule in the Rule Name field.
In the field File Name Pattern, enter *.PDF to download only PDF files as QuickFit can only process PDF files.
In Rule Type menu, you can select -
- Catch All - this means all jobs will be downloaded from your Pressero sites.
- Site name (or URL) matches - this means only jobs from a specific site will be downloaded. You will have to enter the site name or URL in the Value Matches field below.
- Product name (or URL) matches - this means only jobs for a specific product will be downloaded. You will have to enter the product name or URL in the Value Matches field below.
Download Page
This is where you configure where to download the job PDF files.
Check the checkbox Download file. If this is unchecked, the job PDF files will not be downloaded.
Select a path to download the files to in the Download to field. You will need to select this path in Job Connect.
Control Files
This is where you configure where to download the job control files.
Check the box Generate Control File. If unchecked, the control file will not be downloaded.
In the Control File menu, select Pressero XML.
In the Control File Path field, select the location to save the control file. You will need to select this path in Job Connect.
The Queueing page contain options that affect how jobs are downloaded from Pressero Web-to-Print. It doesn't affect how Compose Job Connect works. Please refer to the Aleyant manual on Automated Workflow Integrator v2 for details.
The Status page contain options that affect how job status are changed after download. It doesn't affect how Compose Job Connect works. Please refer to the Aleyant manual on Automated Workflow Integrator v2 for details.
The Options page allow you to configure what to download from Pressero Web-to-Print.
Please check the following options -
- Create folder for order
- Create folder for item
- Download uploaded files
Optionally you can check the following items, which add date and time, order and item number to the job file name.
- Prepend file name with local date and time of download
- Prepend file name with order and item number
The Report page contain options that affect how reports are generated after download. It doesn't affect how Compose Job Connect works. Please refer to the Aleyant manual on Automated Workflow Integrator v2 for details.
The configuration is now completed. You can now proceed to configure Job Connect.
To summarize -
- you need to configure the connection settings by clicking the Settings button
- you need to have at least one download rule. Create a download rule by clicking the Add Rule button